"Testing a big new deployment like this is essential to success, but development and testing can take up a lot of time and it normally requires that we buy many extra servers that, once testing is concluded, we don’t really need anymore. And that costs us considerable money and other resources. That’s why Microsoft Azure was such a good solution for us."
Telenor 的主管 Andreas Høgberg
快速部署 SharePoint 并且按需进行缩放
在几分钟内为你的 SharePoint 服务器启动基础结构。设置部署或测试场,或通过即时添加更多的资源以扩大你的生产 SharePoint 部署。使用基于经过试验和测试的配置的可立即部署映像和模板,简化部署和配置,并将部署复杂 SharePoint 场的时间从几天缩短至几分钟。
"By using Azure, we were able to launch our new extranet in six weeks versus waiting up to eight months for new servers to arrive. This helped us better deliver information to our gas stations and investors."
基础结构支持经理 Mariela Manzanares -
经济高效地托管 SharePoint 站点
Azure 即用即付定价和按分钟的计费帮助你节省资金。对于部署和测试,可利用适用于 Visual Studio 订阅者的 Azure 权益减少软件授权成本。在测试时,按缩放需求启动其他服务器,并在短时期内加载测试,完成后将其删除。仅使用你所需的资源,这样更具有成本效益。
"The cheapest traditional hosting service we saw still would have required us to invest three times more than Azure in terms of servers, just for the initial setup, Azure gives us the most functionality at the lowest cost."
IT 经理 Nawaf Abdulrahman -
Azure 中运行 Windows 或 SQL Server 的虚拟机与本地运行的服务器并没有什么不同。在本地物理服务器、托管提供商处的服务器和 Azure 之间轻松移动虚拟机。凭借此可移植性,快速、轻松地在 Azure 中复制你的 SharePoint 开发测试环境或辅助生产站点。当然,在需要时可以将其移回本地。
"With its hybrid-cloud software, Microsoft has made it very easy for our customers to stop thinking in terms of on-premises or off-premises and to just think in terms of the solution they need."
首席执行官和首席技术官 Philip Moss -
在可最佳运行的位置运行 Microsoft 应用程序
放心使用构建 SharePoint 和 SQL Server 的同一公司构建的云。这些应用程序已经实践检验可在 Azure 上展现出良好的性能。利用许可移动性和 Azure 混合权益使用现有许可证,并跨 Azure、SharePoint 和 SQL Server 获取一流的、第一方支持。在 Azure 上运行 SharePoint 能确保你的解决方案位于运行 Office 365 和 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 的相同云上,从而帮助你轻松地跨这些产品/服务进行集成。
"By running K2 in Microsoft Azure, we can be very close to the datacenters running these other Microsoft cloud products so that we can deliver the best possible network performance and the lowest possible latency between application components."
Partners and Alliances 高级副总裁 Dave Marcus