主页 > 解决方案 > 灾难恢复


即使是微小的中断,也能让你在竞争中处于劣势。因此,需要准备一个业务连续性计划,其中包括用于所有主要 IT 系统的灾难恢复,而无需投入资金用于辅助基础结构。


"There was no way we could deliver disaster recovery at the size or scale that Azure can. We could never manage the capital investment or the processes that Microsoft has in place. We're happy to let Microsoft innovate and bring new datacenter service offerings to the table so that we can focus on running our business."

Textron 首席构架师 Les Rowland

  • 保护所有主 IT 系统。经济实惠。

    简单、经济高效地对组织中的每个主系统实现低恢复点目标 (RPO) 和恢复时间目标 (RTO)。凭借针对企业需求而设计的基于云的数据恢复解决方案,省去了使用辅助数据中心的麻烦和开销,并且随时可使用几乎无限大的容量。

    "One large bank was about to break ground on a new disaster recovery datacenter, which would have cost US$9.3 million. But it cancelled those plans and is now going to use EVRY Azure-hosted services instead. EVRY-based disaster recovery solutions will reduce customer costs drastically."

    运营副总裁 Baard Mühlbradt
  • 将数据管理、安全性和保护统一起来


    "Azure has revolutionized our disaster recovery offerings in the market. Simply put, we can very easily provide centrally managed DR to our customers for 44 percent lower costs."

    技术服务主管 Paul Collins
  • 确保在你最需要的时候应用能正常工作


    "It would have taken up to 10 days to restore the whole datacenter data from tape, a catastrophically long time. With Azure, we can recover our entire datacenter in two to three hours, and we’re working to shrink that further."

    IT 经理 Daniel Platz
  • 随时执行测试以完全安心

    在灾难来临时,你最不希望的一件事便是遇到问题。在任何需要的时候,都可以在 Azure 中测试你的业务连续性计划或运行生产工作负荷的开发测试副本,而不会对用户产生任何影响。此外,使用实时数据的副本对新版本应用程序进行测试,然后将新版本无缝放入数据中心内的生产中。

    "We conduct tests to refine our business continuity plans in Azure Site Recovery, which runs in Microsoft Azure, as frequently as we want. This will give a new level of comfort to the business, especially around Tier 1 applications that directly influence the company’s ability to generate revenue or that protect the integrity of our brand through consistent, always available, quality service in the stores and online."

    IT 负责人 Lee Bingham



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