主页 > 解决方案 > 开发和测试


你将更快地提供更多功能 - 保持使用最新的全套开发和测试工具,使你的团队以云速度进行协作和交付。通过可缩放的按需基础结构,根据你的要求快速创建一致的开发和测试环境。


"Instead of telling people to wait for six months for a new feature, we can give it to them in a few weeks. Our lead cycles are getting much shorter, and we have business stakeholders involved so that our solutions are more aligned with business requirements."

Shell Global Solutions International IT 首席技术官兼副总裁 TaCIT 架构师 Johan Krebbers

  • 获得更多的时间来创建更好的应用程序

    使你的开发人员发挥他们最擅长的方面 - 构建完美的应用程序。使用开发测试解决方案,可以大大地减少管理开发工作的时间和困难,使你的团队可以将注意力集中在应用程序开发上。

    "With Visual Studio Team Services and .NET, I save at least 30 percent of the time it would otherwise take to manage software development. That’s hours every week that I can spend on building better solutions."

    工程和技术执行副总裁 Andy Abbott
  • 为所使用的所有平台构建

    异类环境是一种规范,而不是异常。将跨平台功能引入到开发测试环境中,立即使用首选代码语言在所使用的设备和平台(从 Linux 到 Windows 再到 iOS 和 Android)上本地构建和测试应用程序。

    "We jokingly say that if there’s a product out there, it’s used somewhere within Shell, although we try to standardize on platforms like Windows and Linux, as well as iOS and Android for mobile development … Most of those platforms require us to support a whole raft of technologies, so the cross-platform functionality in Visual Studio Team Services makes it a very logical choice for us."

    首席软件工程架构师 Henk J. Middendorp
  • 在几秒钟内创建开发测试环境,而不是几周


    "As we grew, we couldn’t physically get the number of servers we needed anymore. For example, in London, they were having a hard time accessing servers in the western United States. I evaluated all the options—Amazon, Google, and Microsoft—and you just can’t beat Microsoft Azure."

    首席架构师 Abdulkareem Siddiq
  • 可缩放的高保真测试环境

    在测试环境中复制实际使用方案并按生产规模进行测试,以在发布前捕获并修复问题。如果你的生产环境也正在 Azure 上运行,则可以创建一个精确克隆,并获取你的应用程序在实际中行为方式的精确视图。

    "We use Azure to generate the loads we need to test our applications to their limits. By finding the breaking points before we reach them in production, we can make the necessary architecture changes to handle our growth. We’re also able to test loads from international locations to ensure that our customers do not experience latency issues. With Azure we have access to all of the resources we need to do the performance tests we want at a really low cost."

    质保经理 Jim Dixon
  • 最大限度减少浪费,最大限度提高控制力度


    "This policy more than pays for itself in developer productivity versus waiting for a hardware team to set up development and test environments. Plus, we have added visibility into real project costs."

    CEO,Jeffrey Palermo
  • 通过低开发测试费率充分利用预算

    在 Azure 上通过低开发测试费率尽情进行试验。在步入生产之前知晓你的需求、需要的时间并探索方案。Azure 上的优惠费率可用于单独或作为团队运行开发和测试工作负载的 Visual Studio 订阅者。



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